
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Unbilotitled


He is stronger than the walls
That you tried to build around him
To dumb and dumbfound him
For 2000 years I have waited for that call
Screaming from the windows
Screaming bloody murder
He is stronger than the walls
That you tried to build around him
To dumb and dumbfound him
For 2000 years I have waited for that call
Screaming from the windows
Screaming bloody murder

He is stronger than the walls
That you tried to build around him
To dumb and dumbfound him
For 2000 years they have waited for his call
Screaming from the windows
Screaming bloody murder

The more that you follow me
The more I get off
You think that you know me
You're pissing me off
You think that you own me
Why don't you f*** off?

He is stronger than the walls
That you tried to build around him
To dumb and dumbfound him
For 2000 years I have waited for this call
Screaming from the windows
Screaming bloody murder

I messed my head, I messed my head
Oh happy will I be
Seem to shine fire upon everyone and no one
I messed my head, I messed my head
Oh happy will I be

And there goes a Bilo on the run
... she said to Bilo and killed everyone

Letra de UnBiloTitled de Babyshambles

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