Tragic magic

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Tragic magic

Falling In Reverse

I'm back *hahahahaha*

So let's rewind, back to the time, 2005, I almost died
I overdosed, I did not know, did I provoke this evil ghost?
I turned tragedy
Into melodies
over catchy beats,
It comes so naturally
So smooth and casually
That's why they call me king
Of the music scene

*la la la lala*

I dug a hole
10 miles wide
So I could throw all of you inside.
You're such a dumbfuck
You need to shut up
You bring a picture of me everytime you get a haircut


I turned tragedy
Into melodies
over catchy beats,
It comes so naturally
So smooth and casually
That's why they call me king
Of the music scene

la la la lala*

Bruised and broken, my eyes are open,
i wont lose focus my eyes are open

Letra de Tragic Magic de Falling In Reverse

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