Time travel

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Time travel

The Better World

Afraid of asking where were going
can't hang on to this moment anymore
i felt you along the way, couldn't breathe till it was over
now it's all inside my head
if i could go back in time
i can make things right
if i knew what it is i'd find
i'd be alright for now
There's no point left in asking
can't think with all this anger anymore
now you're right beneath my feet, but still within my reach
and these stupid thoughts keep running through my head
if i could go back in time
i can make things right
if i knew what it is i'd find
i'd be alright for now
And i'd be someone else
and i'd be someone else
i'd be someone else

Letra de Time Travel de The Better World

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