The worst time

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de The worst time

Falling In Reverse

This is the worst time you will ever see
And down your throat goes the insecurity
So watch me, I leave room to follow
So tell me old friend is this hard to swallow?
Please just see so selfishly as you are
This isn't as bad as before
I keep it simple, I tried so hard
You hurt hurt me
This ones not for the radio
This one is to let you know
Tell that bastard you have as a father he should have
taught you a bit of honor
Please don't go (leave)
Please just see so selfishly as you are
This isn't as bad as before
I keep it simple, I tried so hard
You hurt me
I'd never expect, I'd never of thought that it would
turn out this way
I can see it coming
When everything is broken
We got to get this fixed right now
You seem so distant
You seem so distant
We thought that we could get along
I'd never of thought, I'd never expect that things
would turn out this way
I'd never of thought, I'd never expect that things
would turn out this way
Everything is perfect

Letra de The worst time de Falling In Reverse

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