Future number one

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Future number one

Kill Hannah

Are you a future number one?
aren't we all video pixel kids?
hanging on just for that killer hit
the spark in our eyes is digitized
Are you a future number one? yeah
i'll top the charts and then be adored
are you a future number one?
Aren't we all ladies and gentlemen?
aren't we all doing the best we can
to get pixilized?
Are you a future number one? yeah
i'll top the charts and then be adored
are you a future number one? yeah
They need you pinned and dried
i'll be their butterfly
Are you a future number one? yeah
i'll top the charts and then be adored
are you a future number one? yeah
i'll top the charts and then be adored
Are you a future number one? yeah
are you a future number one?

Letra de Future Number One de Kill Hannah

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