Did i tell you?

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Did i tell you?


Did i tell you?

Did i tell you?
Did i tell you?
Did i tell you how much you hurt me?
I was crying you know
When i was there
You just care about you and yourself
Take your stuff and get lost

Yes! i'm growing yes! i'm drowning
I can hear how loud you're laughing
But you´ve always been a pain in my ass

Yes! i'm growing yes! i'm drowning
I can hear how loud you're laughing
But you´ve always been a pain in my ass

Now my head is clear
Now my eyes are painted black n white

Life goes on now
I have never felt this happy before

I don´t miss you at all
Now he´s crying
Now he´s smiling
I can see how hard he´s trying
But he´s always been a loser for me

Letra de Did i tell you? de Astroboy

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