Call from the grave

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Call from the grave


God of heaven, hear my cries of anguish
i'm in pain
i've suffered a thousand deaths but i live on in vain
Death would greet with eternal sleep
my soul would come to peace
my life had ceased
the time was comed
can no-one hear my pleas
Lowered down in the moisty ground
into the dark and cold
my heart's beat the only sound
pain tears my limbs and soul
I scream for mercy
hear my cries
oh, lord don't abandon me
i'm so tired
grant me the eternal sleep
I tear at the lid i'm suffering
in a cold and nameless grave
if hell is what awaits me
i feel no fright
Buried and forgotten
in a cold and nameless grave
if there's a god in heaven
hear my call from the grave......
[repeat last two verses]

Letra de Call From The Grave de Bathory

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