Baby smile

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Letra de Baby smile

Kelly Family, the

Baby smile, baby smile,
baby laughing, baby crying.
don't cry baby - baby smile.
All the babies in this world,
they laugh and they play,
why don't we all do just like them.
Baby smile, baby smile, baby smile,
baby smile, baby smile, baby smile,
don't cry baby - baby smile.
Mamma's cooking little pancakes,
baby gets into the fridge,
opens up the door and drops an egg.
She keeps cooking doesn't hear him,
baby's still in the fridge,
drops another egg and grabs the butter.
Baby naughty, baby naughty, baby naughty,
baby naughty, baby naughty, baby naughty,
don't cry baby - baby smile.
Baby smile...
Mom serves breakfast for the children,
needs some butter for the pancakes,
spots the baby. googie-googie.
Baby looks up very smily,
mom grabs baby scrubs him up,
while all the other children clean up
Baby smile...

Letra de Baby Smile de Kelly Family, the

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