A sun in her soul

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Letra de A sun in her soul


Walking alone in the night
Roaming the ways of the past
Now the sun has gone down
Inside a hidden ocean

She strolls her eyes without seeing
The time devours her in her silence
Knowing her sadness is so strong
Tears falling from her eyes

I can feel it in the darkness
Inside that heinous hole
Crossing inmensity that takes her don’t know where
God hides behind the suffering

And I know, now I can see it in your eyes
Searching in your soul, searching in your mind

Were her mysterious eyes, wells made for crying
Now the day has finally come
The day of her last sadness
In her unmeasurable sorrow, she prays for salvation
Someone who can light up
A sun in her soul

The raven’s wings shadens the light
Hope has gone forever
Without moon, without stars
What shelter will her heart find?
The day has finally come…

Letra de A Sun In Her Soul de AfterDreams

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